This is a relief on a throne of Senwosret I (aka Senusret, Sesostris), second king of the 12th Dyn. (about 1956-1911/10 BCE),
(a plate in TeVelde's _Seth, God of Confusion_)

Another example, this throne side featuring his throne name KheperKaRa, my own trace created from enlarging a tiny photo
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These are reliefs from the thrones of Senwosret I (aka Senusret, Sesostris ), second king of the 12th Dyn., (about 1956-1911/10 BCE). He had several of these statues made, featuring himself sitting on that throne, which were found in his funerary temple. There are some of these at the Cairo museum. The photographer Heidi Kontkanon shared with me a couple photos, one showing some of these statues in a row:

My trace features his throne name KheperKaRa, which means roughly "manifestations or "coming into being" of the Ka (Soul) of Ra. The gods Set and Horus are shown tying the papyrus and lotus around the sema-sign, which means they are uniting the two lands, Upper and Lower Egypt.


"The sema hieroglyph represents two lungs attached to the trachea, an anatomical unit which provided a natural symbol for the concept of the unification of equal parts, and particularly, the unification of the two kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt. The union of the Two Lands stood behind much of the ritual and idealogy of Egyptian kingship, and the sema hieroglyph is found in a wide range of contexts which underscored the king's uniting rule." Quote and illustrations from _Reading Egyptian Art_ by Richard Wilkinson, pages 80-81

Set is representing the Upper (actually southern), while Horus is representing the Lower Delta lands.

Tracing of the reverse from 'Match 5' at
The above link is my traces of a statue at the Cairo museum in which these two gods are blessing the pharaoh Rameses III. Set is imparting to him of his great strength, while Horus is enhancing the king's vision and leadership abilities. There is a suggestion of this in the enthroned statues, too. Senwosret rules, his foundation, his throne, exists because of this blessing.

Jimmy Dunn, the author of the touregypt article explains:
"Seth was also portrayed in a balanced, complementary role to Horus, so that the pair represented a bipolar, balanced embodiment of kingship. Therefore, on the side of the throne, Horus and Seth, symmetrical and equal, tie the papyrus and lotus around the sema-sign."

Mary Ann Sullivan of Bluffton University further explains:

"This statue of Sesostris I (or Senusret) is one of ten almost identical sculptures found in his funerary temple. The sculptures are totally traditional royal portraits. The pose is conventional with the right hand holding the folded cloth and the left on the knee. The idealized Sesostris wears the simple kilt, the nemes with the uraeus, and the ceremonial beard. Sides of the thrones are decorated with images representing the union of Upper and Lower Egypt, sometimes the androgynous Nile gods (See also the reliefs at Abu Simbel) and sometimes, as below, depictions of Horus and Seth forming the hieroglyph for union, with the lotus and papyrus representing the south and the north."

She shares pictures of one at the Cairo Museum:

In this photo, you can see Senusret's leg, that the throne is part of his statue...

And here is a frontal view of one of the statues
Unpainted limestone
Dynasty 12, c. 1971-1929 BCE

Heidi Kontkanon gives a closer view of the throne details...

Ancient Egypt Magazine gives a close-up of this image of Set in the August/September 2009 issue: